Your mobile business travel tool


Discover, save and share recommendations from fellow business travellers, your friends, colleagues and locals

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Save and organize great places

Haven’t we all experienced taking the business card of a great place we had just discovered and then losing it not long after? With myLike you can now easily save the places you find or were recommended by friends and colleagues and organize them according to the occasion. You can decide who can see your tips – after all not everything should be made public! – and help your colleagues to find their way around.

Find, save and share great places
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Have instant access to relevant tips

Preparing a business trip is hard enough, so taking care of where to stay, eat, have a nice drink or just relax is the last thing on your mind. With myLike you can have instant access to your friends’ and colleagues’ trusted recommendations, anytime and anywhere.

Inspirational myLike search and New York map – Eat, Unusual, Friends, Evening

Save and share your insights

If you have visitors in town, make their stay a pleasant one by giving them your personal insider tips – after all it is your town.

Share your recommendations with expats, friends and groups

Protect your privacy

You control each of your myLike's visibility. Use it as a private tool to save things for yourself, or share your discoveries with the people you care about. Create closed or open groups for collaborative planning or sharing of your favorite spots.

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Save myLikes for your friends, groups, the whole world or just yourself